Blaine County DOJRP
BCDOJ Staff Team
Get to Know Us
While we do offer the best quality services, what really makes Blaine County DOJRP great is our incredible team. Passionate, experienced, talented and friendly, we truly have the best of the best. Get to know the people behind the
Group, who are dedicated to making sure your needs are not only met, but exceeded. Also to have fun and Enjoy your time here.
Director Big Red
Group Owner
Admin/Chief of Police
Admin/Asst-Civ Director
Want to learn more about the amazing team behind Blaine County DOJRP? Get in touch, we’re always happy to hear from you.
Zach B.
Moderator/Head Dispatch
Moderator/Civ Director
Welcome To Blaine County DOJRP
Mon - Sun: Normal hours 4pm 7pm 10pm est Winter Hours 4pm 7pm 9pm est
Interviews During The week: Anytime When a Admin Or Moderator Or Head Moderator Is On For That Department.
​Saturday-Sunday:Interviews Are Closed.
If you're interested feel free to join our discord
Our Background
Hello, welcome to BCDOJ website we are blaine county department of justice roleplay group. We have a active money system a working cad and we use discord.We Have Rp 3 times a day 7 days week. We have 60+ members as of right now and we're stil growing strong If you got this far into our website and Like what you see feel free to fill out a application.
Blaine County DOJRP Departments
Exceeding Your Expectations
Blaine County DOJRP has earned its positive reputation because we go out of our way to provide truly exceptional service to each of our Roleplayers. We understand that your needs can change last minute, and we’re ready to adapt our services quickly to ensure your success. Read on to learn more about what we can do for you.
We are blaine county sheriff's department. We try to keep trouble off the street we are here to serve and protect the streets the blaine county. We are here to help and be role models
If you're Interested feel free to fill out a application. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfaJqZV_a2BHPJTFl7juFy1Xp5xzs7HMZI9Htjjr9wFPi84hQ/viewform
We want all of our Roleplayers to experience the impressive level of professionalism when working with Blaine County DOJRP. All of our services, especially this one, exist to make your life easier and stress free when calling 911 for a emergency or non-emergency. You can trust us to take your calls
If you're interested in joining dispatch please click the link and fill out a application. https://form.jotform.com/81581269493164
Civilian Department
Hey guys welcome to the civilian Department here we have a civilian director Hazard and me a civilian assistant director. As directors and assistant directors we try to provide civilians to do the best scenes possible for Leo. We do anywhere from simple traffic stops to 10 80s to bank robberies anything to keep the cops on their toes we also have a civilian rank up you must put in 12 hours of real time to be able to prove to us that you're eligible for a rank up and you know what you're doing as a civilian you start from a civilian probationary and you can rank all the way up to Civ 5 we prefer our civilians to be the age of 17 and up and have some knowledge about being a civilian we do not tolerate fail RP nor do we tolerate disrespect our job is to let the civilians have fun enjoy their time and always want to come back for the next RP
If you're Interested fill out the application below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7BiSWK6PYO8Q3P6Uad0ZX_1xBDVzye1nS5dCJeFdYQk8Y1w/viewform
State Police
We are Blaine County Highway Patrol we are here to help serve and protect the highways of blaine county we are always here to help and remember to alway follow the law.
Frequently utilized by most of our roleplayers, this service has been essential to success on many occasions. When it comes to all of our roleplayers, you can count on us to take care of your every need. We pride ourselves on our exceptional service, and guarantee you’ll love working with our team. If your interested please fill out the application below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvIKQN3ygYbfGEUQIL5bnmVFR7UGuLa60LIfg2hxSL7xAuDA/viewform
Fire department
welcome to the fire department and medical field. Here we are to help keep disasters away and prevent harm against anyone. all you have to do is call 911 and we're on the way to you're rescue.
If you're interested in joining the fire and EMS department feel free to put a application in below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScBCJg3cv_IUeZ6qtOu-jXqnQNQ4pyLFQIQBJs49uSHbA-6KQ/viewform